08/21/1972-CC-Minutes-Regular�7 17 MINUTE'S (821-72) The Sanger City Council met in regular session, Pionday, Aug. 219 I972. Those present were Mayor Cornell presiding, Councilmen Cooper, Hall, Bennett, Gentle, & Councilwoman McDaniel. Others present were Ralph Cole, Plerywn Tucker, Ronny Klien, Dill Flash, Jack Bowman d>r Nel Armstrong. The m autes wex e read and approved. i Henry Cooper moved that disbursements be approved with exception of Crookham qz Uessels, Inc. Joe falls bravel and lst payrtient on Plaster Plan. Seconded by Jack Hall. Carried. hlerywn Tucker met wi',h ''ouncil to present specifications for fire truck. Motion made by Jack hall that bids be advertised for seconded by Firs. McDaniel carried. Bill dash repHrted on the sewer plant. �� meetini wa,s set -with Ptiar. Z�Tash for the Council to view the new sewer plant on Tues,, Aug. 29, at 5:30. The motion eras raiade by Pirs. P1eDaniel, seconded by Iletary Cooper that the finial plat of Gene Hughes Hillcrest Addition beeapproved. It carried. '1'l1e motion �,�+s made by Bill Gentle to call for tae annua'1 audit. Secoe�ded by henry trooper & carried, l.,ee Skein's proposed plat 1'or 33k. 41 lots 3�L �� 3B was pr .rented. The Council took no action since Mr. Skein's lot was not large enough in square footage to sub®divide. Henry Cooper moved that baron Yeatts be appointed for 2 years to the Small Cities Assn, "'econded by Dill Gentle k carried. henry Cooper moved that part time help be hired on a temporary basis for the office. Guy Dennett seconded it carried., Guy Bennett moved 'that Pr. Dave Karr be faired as City `secretary. Bill t�e�tle seoo�aded a.nd the motion carried, ltenxy Cooper m©ved to adjourn, seconded by P1rs. PIeD<an.iel, carried. MAYOR AT`1' za k 2- a