09/05/1972-CC-Minutes-Regular9�5®72 �. Minutes: 9�5®72 Members: Cornell Mayor: Cooper Mayor Pro�Tem, McDa%i.cl, Bennett, Gentle, and Hall. Others: Mara, Bowman, Cole, A. D. Bowles, Shawn A.. Minutes: 8®21®72 accepted k B, Disbursements: approved excepting items numbered 5 and 9. Motion Hall; 2nd Gentle. Unanirymous . C, The City Council approved of a request by A.D,_Bowles to lower the age limit in The Billiard Parlor o�rdin® ance on a -trial, basis fron.1 18 ,yrs, to 15 years o,f age. Motion Gentle, 2nd Bennett, Carried Unvnimously'', D, Bob Shawn of Hunter and Associates met with City.Coune.il and discussed both the master plan and needed water and sewer system improvements, present and future® F. The Clty Council discussed the possibdllty of sharing the cost of constructing a fence with Joe Falls but took no affirmative action other than. requesting City Administrator Ma.rr to develppe cost estimates. F. The City Council consented to allowing the P':C'A to utilize the reception In the City Hall area during its pro® posed voter registration drive, G, The City Council passed a resolution authizing the North Central Texas Council of Governments to act as the bid solicitor for a. inter®city police commun_catious systems equipment. Motion Mrs. McDaniel; 2nd Cooper Unanimous approval.. H. The City Council recognized the `Pax Warrant held by the Sanger Fir. st Nata_ona1, Bank in the amount of $20,000.00 and signed by then. City Administrator. J. Sebastian and Mayor' Cornell, 1. The City Council approved of a. increase in the capital budget of Brazos l lec tri c o.' $1 , 500. 00 for the purchase of demand meters. Motion J. Hall; 2nd Mrs. McDaniel Unanimous approval, (continued on next page) '•� J. The City Council requested that Ci.�f;y Administrator p propose revised a�a�tes for Colnercisa.l and. �ndustrs,:�.l ele�ica.l. i,nspecta,on Fees. K. '.1'he C:i,ty Council appr. owed of a request b,y the City Administrator to inter. view applic�.�.ts for (l) a full -f;ime office, secretarial_ help, to lae paid no mare than ��?.00 der hour and (?) a, full®time helper in the sanit�_tion department. `1'he C7_ty C;ounca,J_ ex® premised its w9,sh to mare the final. selection among the applicants wi�t;h the City Admina_strators advice. T_,, The City Cattncil requested that the City Administrator seek advice concerning the proper specifa.catious for water and sewer lines. M. `.Phe City Council instructed _thee Ca;ty Administrator to write a letter 'to the Texas Water Quality Board requesting a grant increase <an the present �'.,L. pr. o ject by �31�;3, 285, Motion Mrs, McDaniel; 2nd Guy Bennett. Una.nimouc� approval. N. The City Council appointed Hunter and Assoca,ates, as Consul�ta.ng and Design Engineer :�'or the purpose of investigating the feasibli;� of provid�.ng. 1..quid waste coll.ecti.on and. water system, improvements for the City. Motion Cooper; ?nd Hal7_. Uanna.mous approval® ©. Ad,journ: Motion Bennett; ?nd McDaniel. Uannimous approval. . ATTs