09/18/1972-CC-Minutes-Regular 1t3®72, P Iin .t t;es: g 1 7 Members C:a nell, Mayors Cooper, Pltayar I'ra Tem; NIa Janiel, B rtcat , Gentle, and Hall ;l { >> Other: N1arr, Cole,'„ 'all_s, r A.. lvlinutes a:E 9 5®` ? a.cceptec . Di"sbursemen-i,s were approved without excepti an. Mo t,on, Coaper; 2nd. 1Vlcl a.na.e1 C. The Council a.pprcaved the hiring on a tempcarary laasis of TJelores Wa. l, ts and. Oilly. Rise. Motion, cooper; 2.nd 3ennet t; il. The Caun.cj l_ pproved of an a_ncrea,se a n the fPe for abta _ning a. tax: cer_ ti.fa_cate fr_ om one dollar and no cents ( i J O) to two dailars a.nd no cents ( . 00) . Mo t;:ion; Cooper; 2nd Hal 1 L:. The Council instructed the Ca_ t;y Administrator to obtain From € nger,J{;1_ectrir a.n estimate of the casts involved i,n derrea,si_ng the rate charged the Tex .s 1-Ii- wa.y l epar. tment far the signal. l.a,ght on. the corner of Fifth. Street and } l.a.var.. F. The cotancWl decided neat to a.rccdptt the gene.r.at. s anft of a "buci a_ng 'J barr. el." from Nlrs. 1 . N xttca for. -I,he park sinre the a.t^k .s un® supervised and the "bu.cleing barr, el." might be subject to misupa. C. The Counc.,l accepted an. o Cfer. made by the Sa,n ex• Cha.rnber. of Commer, ce to share a_n t;he east of provid.ng °f;1 sc u.a,re with Chraastmas decor ,t_ons as lan.g a.s the Ca_-t; J's share did not exceed. fi_vr hund.r_ ed d.o7 _a.rs (, I, S00. 00) . Motion, Cooper; n.d. Cxr-,n t;lue I -I. 'Ph.e Catxncil instructed t;l e City Adma,n.. str .tor to stu.c y passible a7.l;erna,tive measures for obta.ina.ng compensa t;a_on from persons uti l.., ints the City land®fael_l. who a.t present do oat su.bscr. i_i e to -the C_ t;y Sanitat._ort erv.a_c . . `h Cou.nra_1 instruci ed the City .dma na_stra. or to '>>x ply the necessary in ' rm t_i_an to tka.e City At ar'ney s_ tha.t he ma.,y f..l.e j1 staits on al.l persons who are three years ar mare in a.rrPars .n ;, pa; ;a.n.g thou_ property taxes.. 7. The Cota.ncil_ instruclted the C. -hy Adra..n.stra. t;ar to seek _rrn_f_'ormat.i.an c;onr,c rn _ng an o.rd _na,nc;e by wh .ch the C..ty c;an _emn a d.a ng ` ' ns d ryF d to be ptab i.c ntti ar2 e. °, ^ • . "- City Socreta.ry Ma.yar