10/05/1972-CC-Minutes-RegularMinutes: 19-2-72 Ivlembers: Cornell, Mayors Cooper, Nayor Pro-Eem, Daniel, Bennett, Gentle, Hall. Others: Marr, Falls, Cole, Hughes, Etheredge A. Pili,'.utes of 9®18"72 accepted. B. Disbursements: Approved eaceptng item, from bLrd. and leash for $5, 674.91, Motion, Hallo, 2nd, Unanimously approved, Cooper, C, The Council approved of a request by Mr._John Ltheredge 'or an increase in the Sanger Electrical Systems 1972 Capital Budget of $3,000 for an extension of electrical service to Tansey Corp. Motion, Gentle; 2nd, McDaniel, Approved unanimously. D. The Council approved of a request by Judge Hughes for the city to purchase the sewage pipe from John-Maas- ville and Hughes to then purchase said pipe from the city. :E. Ivlr. Etheredge advised the council that he would like to speak to the council about the method of capital finan- cing now employed by the Sanger Electrical System and a Special Council Session was set for October 19, 1972 for this discussion. F. The Council approved. of payment to David Hilliard for Holidays that he worked which were not paid for by LEA, G. The Council expressed its desire to see the city land fill put in better shape. The City Administrator was advised to contact Bill Switzer to see if and when the county would be able to land assistance. i . The Council approved of moving the air intakes for the t3 blowers at the sewer plant from the interior to the exterior of the building. I. The Council expressed its desire to cooperate with Braughn Inc. concerning the public easement immediately east of their building, The Council expressed its wish that whoever held title to both of the pieces of pro® perty adjoining this easement on the east and west should have unlimited rights:.to that easement. G MAYOR u I I