11/20/1972-CC-Minutes-Regular1'dlinutes s November 20, lq' 2 Pilembers: Cornell, P ayor; Cooper, Mayor Pro-rTem; IVIcDaniel, : ennet c, Gentle, and I -fall. Others s lt Iarrâ–º Cole, Wendell;;' ' Izornas, . Gene 1-iughes, C. F. Ballard, Brad Caole. 1. Minutes of November 6, 19'72 were accepted. ! 2. Disbursements were approved. with exception. of item r' ' for yi ',0.00. 3. `:L'he Council approved the issuance of a building per- mit to Nlr. Brad. Cole. R Iotion, Cooperp 2nd Ha11. . `TheCouncil approved the issuance of a building per- mit to l Ir. DJendell 'Thomas. ivIotion Bennettq 2nd, C entJ_e. 5. As requested by Pilr. Hughes the Ci` y Administrator sought the opinion of an engineer concerning the worka- bility of the proposed connection of the eG rer lines in Sanger Sou`Lh to existing sewer system in the 1-tillcrest Addition, lulr. Bob Shawn concurred with an earlier op- inion by P Ir. iVash of Ballard and Nash that the plan sho`vn in the plat of this subdivision was workable. 1'he council took no action to reverse the earlier approval of the subdivision plat. 6. `The Council passed a resolution authorizing Brazos to negotiate a pole sharing agreement with Central 'Tele- phone . l+!lotion Gentle , 2nd Cooper. ' . the P layox presented a report to the Council on a meet- ing of the Small. Cities Association ct ncernn the. Denton®Collin County Vdater and Sanitation District. Action on the District was tabled until the next reg- ularly scheduled counci:L meeting. . `The bids for anew f re . truck were .opened and the council tools them under advisement. T Iotion l ticDaniel, 2nd Cooper. - , .`The Council approved payment `to Joe T al1s of t 3d9.4 for our share of a fence encompassing two sides e' =the durnp ground and 161.41 to fed I-larris s"or our share of a j fence on the South s .de of the dump ground. '' Motion, Mall, Second Pt'IcBaniel. ,. 10. .P'he Council approved the payment r Robert Guevera of tie money due him for his accrued va ation `time in lieu of his taking a vacation. ' ___ ,_. - ivlayor . y mtinis bra or