12/04/1972-CC-Minutes-RegularMinutes s December 4, 1972 Member.sa Cornell, Mayora Rennett, Gentle, Cooper, mayor rro®Temp me"a,n _e.., a.n d Ha. l I , Others: Ma..r. r, Cole T, Minutes of November 20, 1972.were acr,epted, 2. Disbursements were approved, 3Th.e Counr,i.l d.i_roussed. th.e hi..r.ng of Mr, Jac} Grapy of Texas Mun.i.c.i.pa.l. Securi_ti.es as fi na.nci_a1, advisor but no action was taken rega,r_ di ng th. s matter, 4, The Crnznri 1. approved. the payment of ?000 to the fire department for earn fire within the City 1_ mi_ts for use as incentive pay to firemen for attendance at fires and fire drills, Motion, Ha.l_l_ e Second, P/Ir,D ,ni_el. 5@ The Coianni.l d..scussed cbanUes .i.n l;he City of San e,r. Solid Waste Ordinance but no action was taken, 6® The Coun.r,i1. discussed the possib.l.ty of a, bond program a.nd potential, items to be _nrl..uded .n. that program, M Y