01/04/1973-CC-Minutes-RegularMinutest January q, 1973 Members Present: Cornell, Mayor; Cooper, Mayor Pro Tem; McDaniel, Bennett, Gentle and Hall.. Others Present: Dave Marr, City Administrator; Ralph Cole, John Etheredge of Brazos Electric, interested citizens, John Wilson, Richard Muir, Bob McLaughlin, Lindon Carr, Ed Tanzey and John Spencer as well as Gladys Jackson who sub- mitted an application for a pool hall permit. 1. Mr. John Etheredge of Brazos Electric proposed Sanger Elec«- trio System Operating Budget for fiscal year 1973 which was approved unanimously by the Council after a motion by Mc- Daniel and second by Hall. In addition, he discussed a fuel adjustment clause which was tabled by the Council pending further study. 2. The Council approved of a pool hall permit to be issued to Mr. Wilbur Biggins upon condition that his signature be obtained and notarized on a petition filed by Mrs. Gladys Jackson and the establishment in question be connected with city water, sewer, and sanitation. Motions Cooper and 2nd Bennett, 3. The Council approved of a transfer of $600.00 from the Utility Fund to the Time Tax Watrant Sinking Fund in order to meet an obligation of $59100.00 due March 1, 1973 on a motion by Cooper, seconded by McDaniel and passed unanimously. . The Council approved of the promotion of Ronnie Beard to Public Works Superintendent and subsequent increase in salary from $472.50 per month to $550.00 per month as of January 1, 1973s 5® The City Council unanimously expressed its desire to support the efforts of the Chamber of Commerce in bringing Lorch Westway, Inc. to Sanger with the following resolution. WHEREAS Lorch Westway, Inc. has to build a company facility on and expressed a possible desire the outskirts of Sanger, Texas; WHEREAS both the Sanger City Council and the Sanger Chamber of Commerce are extremely interested in having this company locate a facility in our area; and Minutes January 4, 1973 WHEREAS engineering plans and right�of�way negotiations are underway to extend sewer lines to this area under consideration by Lorch Westway, Inc.; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Sanger will provide interim arrangements for water, sewer and electricity for the Larch facility; AND will extend permanent utilities to this area to handle the requirements and needs of Larch Westway, Inc. MOTION made for Resolution by Henry Cooper Seconded by Jack Hall Motion Carried 5-0. January 4, 1973 9. The Council approved of a suggestion made by the City Administrator to build water line to serve Cole & Smith residences on west side of highway with an estimated cost of six hundred and four ($604.00) dollars. 10. The Council approved of a suggestion by the City Admire® istrator to increase the working hours of patrolman Sidney George from forty (40) to fo,rty�eight (48) hours and increase pay from four hundred and seventy®two dollars and fifty cents (472.50 ) per month to five hundred and seventy-two dollars and fifty cents ($572.50) per month. 11. The Council approved of a suggestion by the City Adminis- trator to install a warning light at sewer plant for blowers with a cost of approximately one hundred and twenty-five dollars ($125.00). MAJOR ATTESTS Lk