03/05/1973-CC-Minutes-Regular00 Minutes: Council Meeting of March 5, 1973. Members Present' Cornell, Mayor; Cooper, Mayor Pro-Tem; McDaniel, Bennett, Gentle and Hall 1. The minutes of previous meetings held on February 5, 19730 February 19, 1973 and February 26, 1973 were approved unanimously on a motion by McDaniel; seconded by Cooper. 2. Z'he disbursements were approved unanimously except3.ng the Master Plan expenditure of $2,601.00 on a motion by Hall; seconded by Cooper. 3. The Council approved unanimously of a request by Sanger Electric Systems operating agent, Brazos Electric Power Cooperative, to allow the Sanger Electric System to pass on proportionate increases in the cost of wholesale power to the final consumer on a motion by Gentle, seconded by Hall. 4e The Council authorized the City Administrator to order a 1973 chewy pick®up from Sanger Motors as their's was the low bid. s. The City garbage problems were discussed and tabled until the March 19, 1973 meeting. 6. Motion to adjourn was made by McDaniel seconded by Hall, passed unanimously. Mayor