03/26/1973-CC-Minutes-Special02 Minutes: Special Meeting of March 26, 1973. Members Presents Cornell, Mayor; Cooper, Mayor Pro®Tem; McDaniel, Bennett, Gentle. Hall absent. Others Present: Marr, City Administrator; Ralph Cole. This special meeting was called for the purpose of discussing the $3,000 homestead exemption®apetition was filed with the City Secretary concerning this subject® and for the purpose of passing resolutions necessary to allow the First National Bank of Sanger, Texas, to loan the City of Sanger on one year notes the money with which to purchase a new tractor with back�hoe and loader and a new 2 ton pick®up truck. 1. The Council reversed its decision of March 19s 1973 by allowing persons over 6S years of age to claim the home® stead exemption on a motion by McDaniel seconded by Cooper, passed unanimously. 2. The Council elected to pass the attached resolutions concerning the tractor with backhoe and loader and the 2 ton pick®up truck. 3. Motion to Adjourn by Bennett, seconded by Hall, passed unanimously.