04/16/1973-CC-Minutes-RegularMinutess April 16, 1973 Members Present s Cornell, Mayor; Cooper® Mayor Pro®Tem, McDaniel, Bennett® Gentle and Hall, Otherse Marr, Cole 1, The minutes: of Council meeting held April 29 1973 and April 9® 1973 were read and approved® seconded by Cooper. contract with Brazos Electric Power GooperativZycon�] st cerning the management of the Sanger Electr* em and the method by which capital improvements are mad •citizens cleaning • . n n order too accomplish this purposep .. is declared • 5The City Council approved of a new Soild Waste Ordinane,e on a motion Hall seconded by Gentle and passed unanimously® 6, Motion to adjourn by McDaniel, seconded by Bennett® V ...may .,