05/21/1973-CC-Minutes-RegularME as I famp KQRMV ROM Others Present: Marr9 Krueger to The minutes of the council session held May 7. 1973 were read and approved. VJ June 4, 1.973 and,�motlon by Gentle seconded. by Cooper. 3® Mary Jo Storer was hired on a motion by Cooper seconded. by McDaniel, $625.00 per monthon • • by •»r by Cooperand Dolored Watts received ftn increade from $2.00 per hour to $2.25 per hour on a motion by Gentle seconded by McDaniel, 50 The council discussed the use revenue sharing monies• be put to and decided that y majority of $4,591.00 of -a entitlementrevenue sharing • be spent on • remainderThe of - - » sharing moniesfrom period would be used to retire capital debt incurred for purchase of on • • by ^ " • ♦ ^ • by Bennett, Council approved of a proposal by the city administrator to spend January 19 19?3 and ending June 30, 1973 for the retirement of gen� eral obligation bond indebtedness based ypon an estimated total of // for the period on • ♦ by 1.niel seconded by •The Council discussed the amendemnt of - Brazos contractand • tabled '1973meeting of 7® The council. discussed thepurchase of a site for an overhead water storage facility. 3s A new House Moving Permit ordinance was passed on a motion bM