06/18/1973-CC-Minutes-RegularMinutes June 18® 1973 Members present: Cornell, Mayor; Cooper® Mayor Pro®Tem® McDaniel® Bennett, Hall, and Gentle absent® Others Present: Marr, Krueger 1® Dill from Sanger Oil Co. for May in the amount $336.37 was paid on a motion by McDaniel seconded by Ha11® 2® Discussion of Brazos contract amendemnt was tabled until June 189 1973. instruat t• • Shawn to prepare engineering forsewer to Nickerson Farms and Sanger Southon • • by seconded by Cooper. Council approved of the expansion of the Planning and Zoni Commission from. seven_ .- arising over interpretation of the National Electric Code. Lyndon Carr, chairman and members T. Bishop, and Orus Everly on a motoin by Cooperg seconded by Hall. Unanimous, Nti 10® The Council discussed the installation cost of water meter and tabled discussion of this matter® and Post Office on a motion by McDaniel, seconded by Hall.