07/16/1973-CC-Minutes-Regularre Minutes: July 169 1973 Members Present: Cornell, Mayor® Cooper® Mayor Pro-Tem® McDaniel® Bennett, Gentle, and Hall. Others: MarYr, City Administrator lMinutes of Council session held July 2, 1973 were read and approved® EleQtric System were r4ead and approved on a motion by Gentle • seconded by C • • . - • -• acroom GeneHughesestimated cost of $7,500. This discussion was tabled. w itzer be contacted concerning the repair of Willow Street, facilities were open for the constructof ® were as follows: Tri®City Distribution Line Installationsl5,4D1®13 Reactor Installation 4,861®35 Regi.lar Installation 10,404.24 30'716.72 hy 1 ® 3 The Brazos bid was accepted on a motion by Coopers seconded by Gentle® delinquent. have made their deposits as per Council their first bi�.�. with them #30®00