08/08/1973-CC-Minutes-RegularMinutes August 8® 17 Members Presents Cornell, Mayor; Cooper, Mayor Pro�Tem, McDaniel, Bennett, Gentle, and Hall, Others Presents Marr, Cole 1, The minutes of the Council session held. July 16, 1973 were read and approved, ?, .The disbursements were approved on a motion by McDaniel seconded by Hall., neering in amount of $b,Z43,b4o was read and approved on motion by - - seconded by •• amount - •- • 41 was approvedon « motion by l« • •-• by ' 5, Decision was made to offer Gene Hughes Ann An for land for future water system site (overhead storage) on a motion by Cooper,,seconded by McDaniel, 6, Bob Shawn presented a report on the Master Plan progress,