08/20/1973-CC-Minutes-RegularMinutes s August 209 l97'+/9'/j Members Presents Cornell, Mayor, Cooper, Mayor Pro®Tem• McDaniel, Bennett® Gentle and Hall . • _ ► The minutes of the counc were • and approved session held August 8® 1973 2. Capital improvements made by Sanger 'Electric during the month of June 1973 in the amount of $39936.62 were read and approved on a motion by Hall senonded by Gentle. 3. The council instructedthe CA to retain Smitk Baines and Company to do annual audit on a motion by McDaniel seconded by Bennett. Assessed972 Valuation • 1 , eal Estate ' 1 111 1 •ersonal Property..4+68�76*0�0 972 Tax Levy •,: •.11 1 1 1 • 11', + •through+ Delinquent972 . 1 • The 1973 Tax Levy: based on a 50/ assessment ratio with a tax of $0®60 per $1x00.00 valuation (same as 1972) 1973 Assessed Valuation on Real Estate $3.788.342.00 Personal,Property 788.76.00 1973 Tax Levy 173 Tax Hate Notes This is nat to say that we woll receive #27��62®59 from the advalorem tax this year for historically er have had a 90% , ; collection rate or in terms of the 1973 levy an income of approximately 24'716as Dave Marr (1) Sa The cold sewer plant was discussed • •. • T • o public hearing on the budget.