11/19/1973-CC-Minutes-RegularW Minutes: November 19.1973 Members Presents Corrdlo Mayor, Cooper, Mayor Pro®Tem, McDaniel, Bennett, Gentle, Hall Ohterss Marr, Krueger, Khan, Wilson, Carr 1. The minutes of the meeting held November 5. 1973 Were read and approved. McDaniel• •eby Capital improvements • for rnger Electric Companyfor the Nonth of } amount of • were read and approved ona motion by McDaniel seconded by Gentle �.f�Mr® Hyman Kahn of Dallas presented a petition to the council concerning the annexation of 73.54 acres of land, more or less which was discussed. Acopy of the petition and the annexation ordinance is attached. The annexation ordinance was passed unanimously on aotion by Cooper seconded by Bennett.