01/07/1974-CC-Minutes-RegularMinutess January 79 1974 Members Presents Corenll, Mayor, Cooper, Mayor Pro�Tem, Bennett, MUDaniel, Hall and Gentle. Oh.ers Presents Marr, Krueger, Carr® 1. The minutes of the council session held December 17, 1973 were read and approved. 20 The disburesments were Lead and approved on a motion by McDaniel seconded by Hall® 1974 was discussed but no action was taken pending the clarllfll� cation of • •• of November, 197- in the amount of $lg484.16 were tead and ap� pproved on a motion by Cooperp seconded by Gentle, i .• - Administrator "• • - • • • • )� • • recommendations - council approved • : the advertisementfor • • 6f the pro. perty owned by of Plant . on t motion by McDaniel, seconded by Hall. cost of $10273.78 was approved. The developers would sign an agreement making themselves personally liable for thho total amount • is were introduced • this subdivision . future 9® A request by Mr® Harold Easley to be exempted from city rani® Cation was denied® LO® The council on a motion by Gentle, seconded by Cooper voted unanimously to amend Section 9 of the Housemoving Ordinance from s Any pektson who e.reofp or of a permit or certificate issued thereunderg sha of a misdemeanor punidhable by a fine not less than E ten (10.00) dollars nor more thaw two hundred ($200®00) dollars® Each such person shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day or portion thereof during which any violation of any of the provisions of this code is commited, or continued, and upon comviction of any such violations such person shall be punished within the limits provided above, to: Section 9. Penalties. (1) Any person who shall violate a provision of thi6 Code, or fails to comply therewith or with any of the requirements thereof, or of a permit of certificate issued thereunder® shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punished by a fine not less than one hundred ($100®00) dollars nor more than two hundred ($200.00) dollars® Each such person shall be deemed guilty of a sdparate offense for each and every day or portion thereof during which any violation of any of the provisions of this code is committed, or continued, and upon conviction of any such violations such per son shall be punished within the limits provided,above. AlI 11, The council changed the on a motion meeting time by MdDaniel seconded by Gentle from 7 a 00 P.M. to 7L30 P.M.