01/21/1974-CC-Minutes-RegularMinutess January 21, 1974 Members Presents Cornell® Mayor® Cooper, Mayor ProdTem, McDaniel, Gentle,, and Ball Member Absents Benett Others Presents Marr, Krueger, Ehteredge, Coker le The minutes of the cound.il meeting held January 79 1974 were read and approved 2® The operating Budget for the Sanger Electric System was ap® proved on a motion by McDaniel, seconed by Hall with unanid moue consent and it was notes that capital improvements were projected to be $40 0 85,00 for fiscal year in,addition to the $25,118®22 of projects approved but incomplete. by the City ,• •_ in Austin on Z presented, First Babtist Church were discussed and estimated to be • • ► // /1 • • • • •_ •motionr By Hall# seconded by Cooperg unanimous, The new /•- -council. discussed and approved (in budget) I 4559.511,"; was approved by the council for work completed on Water System • A letter from ^ Texas Air Control•. • was read to the U. counci 9. Provi6ions of the constitutional revision now taking place that are pertinent to the City of Saner Were discussed Mr oh, Co f �Aqlwf in Sanger South. The counoill on a motion by Cooperg seconded by Hall decided that when curb and streets (base), water lines, and sewer lines have been completed to city specifications building permits may be • 11® The Electricial Inspection Ordinance of the City of Sanger was amended to add to Section IX® Minimum Standards of Work® G. All outside air conditioners will be required to have a weather proof non -fused disconnect switch within eye® sight on or near the unit. Motion by Gentle, seconded by McDaniel, unanimous® Ken Cornell, Mayor