02/04/1974-CC-Minutes-RegularMin�xte s s Fe�aruary �, 197� Members Presents Cornell, Mayor, Cooper, Mayor Pro®Tem, McDaniel, Gentle, Hall® •� � � ;- �, Others Presents Marr, Krueger 1® The minutes of the council meeting held January 21, 197� were read and approved® 2® The disbursements were read and approved on a motion by Cooper seconded by McDaniel® • •-• i .. - - - i R. ,,• i • • '" � i • _ w �. �. The pav�1NG of Bolivar Street with 1 incjg of asphalt was discussed® • r • • _ � ' • • • • • • f i " i • ^ • __ i • • " • • • f ! t � • • • '�. The fire department was discussed with fire chief, Mervyn Tucker® 8® The council on a motion by C®oiler, seconded by Hall, adopted the follovring order establishing procedure for the City Officer®s EleCt�,Ori®