03/04/1974-CC-Minutes-RegularMinutes: March 4, 1974 Members Presents Cornell, Mayor, Cooper, Mayor Pro-Tem, McDaniel, Gentle, Hall O'thers Presents Marr, Krueger 1® The minutes of the auncil meeting held February 18, 1974 were read and approved excepting item number 10, from FM 455 to Old U.S. 77. 7th Street is to be curbed the West Side and the pabed surface is to come within one foot of the East boundary line of Mr. Cornell's property. When the property in the East side of this street is sub� divided, the property owner will dedicate enoughaddition space to allow a 60 Row for 7th Street and in addition pa w ith curb and gutter the other one half of the street. Tne council .r. • action • correct the situation was• • ponded pendingAddition the completion • • • of Hillcrest • • consuttations with the propetty owners affected, 4® Rev® Reed of the Holy Temple Church of God in Chri�'t met with the council to discuss problems in the black community® 5. The council on a motion by Cooper seconded by Gentle passed the water and sewer Main Extension Ordiannce unanimous with Bennett absent® 6, A letter From the State Board of Insureance concerning the W Water System was presented to the council. bill from S. M. Farquhar and Company in the amoutn of