04/01/1974-CC-Minutes-RegularMinutes' April 1, 1974 Members Presents Cornell, Mayor® Cooper, Mayor Pro-Tem; McDaniel, Gentle, And Hall Members Absents Bennett Others Presents Marr, Cole, Bruce Anthony i 1. The minutes of the council session held March 18, 1974 were read and approved. 2. The disbursements were read and approved on a motion by Hall seconded by McDaniel. • bachoe was • _•• on •n by Cooper, seconded by �. An imformation sheet concerning debt service �equirments was discussed. 5, The City's insurance grogram was discussed and it was de® cided to continue with present insurance until the new budget year. 6, A special rneeting wad called for Monday, April 8, 197� to canvass votes of the City Election to be held April 6, 1974. 7, The proposed Water and Swwer Main Extension ordinance was passed on a motion by Hall seconded by Cooper with Hall, Cooper, Gentle FOR, Mrs. McDaniel abstaining; and Bennett absent. kr 8. Bruce Anthony apperard efore the council to discuss the platting of three lots but was referred back to the Planning & Zoning Commission. IU � • i(�i�K•�i ii "•T���