04/15/1974-CC-Minutes-RegularMinutess April 15. 1974 Members Presents Cornell, Mayors Cooper, Mayor PromTem; McDaniel Gentle, Half., and Enlow ®thers Presents lVtarr, Cole, Yeatts® Thornton, Calhoun, Armstrong and Hughes. 1® The new officers of the Council, Mayor elect Cornell and Councilmen Hall and Enlow were sworn in, 2® The minutes of the 'council session held®1m7�4 were read and approved, 3, Tthe minutes ®f the special council session held ��8®7� were read and approved. The disbursements were Lead and approved on a motion by Gentle seconded by Hall, attachment) were considered and reffered back to the Planning, • Zoning Commissionfor »requestof the petitioner on • • by •oper seconded by • radio for the new fire truck at a cost ol bff(�)bvm4lf on a mo io by •••e and seconded by the fire department • • bub,9Y to •- paid out • bond proceeds voted for fire equipment on a motion by Cooper, seconded by forthcomingand there should be some forn of evaluation of 0. and M. procedurA from that inspection, The council dicussed the aspects of the finance article of the Lie lfte,counc'il .. .c._,d of • -_ -• Cities Me.eting• 38 12. Gene Hughes requested maintenance on Hillcrest Dr. 13. The sanitation helpers were granted a raise in pay to $350.00 per month, ve Marr® City Adma.n�trator d or® Ken Cornell