05/20/1974-CC-Minutes-Regularon Pllinutes s May eu, 1974 Members Presents Cornell., Mayor,o Cooper, Mayor Pro-tem, McDaniel., Gentle, Hall, and Enlow ether. s :Pr. esen a Marr, Cole, Yeatts 1 The minutes of the meeting helwd May 6, 1.97 were read and approved, 2. The eouno.i.l on a motion by Hall_ seconded by Cooper regrei�,® Fully accepted the resignation of Mr, J. C. Landers From the Planning and Zoning Commiss.i,on, 30 The council extended an invitation to Mr. Gray Shelton to ser- ve on the Planning and Zoning Commission on a, motion by Mc� Daniel, seconded by Cooper. �. The council was informed of the raise in minimum wage effective May 1, 1974, 5. The council..motion by Hall, seconded by Gentle approved the payment to Brazos Electric Cooperative of $7,036.86 for the installation of three 50 AMP Regul.a.tors on the Bolivar Tap as per contract dated July 169 1973. 6. The c;ounoi_1. on a motion by Ha11 seconded by Gentle approved the payment to Sanger Electric Sysem of $3,823,63 for capital improvements made in March of 1974. 7. The on" ncil motion by Cooper, seconded by Gentle approved the use of Revenue Sharing ,Sth Fnt.i_tl.ement Period Funds o purchase Capital_ F,'qui.pment for Fnvironmental Protection, 8, The council_ on a motion by McDaniel, seconded by En1ow approved the payment of �6CO3 00 to J. W. >3ur,klew for water and sewer connections on Kathryn .Vane, 9, The council on a motion b}; McDa.r�iel, seconded by Frrlow-'decided to rehire Smith, }3air�es8c Companys�auditors for the Ci_i,y of Sanger, 1.0. The council_ on a motion by Gentle, seconded by MODaniel approved the recommendations of the Planning and 7,ona_ng Cramrni_ssi_on for property owned by Mr. and Mrs. Larry PrPtor to be classified a non®conforming use, (see attachment) 11. The council on a, motion by Cooper, seconded by Hall approved. the recommendations of the Planni_n.g and �,oa�.ing Commission for Property owned by the First National Bank. (see attachment), Wage 2. Minutes ® May 209 l9I ( continued 0 The council was presented with the preliminary draft o.f the Utilities portion on the City's Master. Plan, 13® Mr, J® M® Sims appeared before the council and was referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission, l�0 Tt was decided to advertise for vide fora new 2 ton dump truer on a..motion by Cooper® seconded by Hall® lj0 The council advised the City Administrator to pls.ce 30 mph® speed limit signs on Willow Street® east of the 'railroad tracts® l6e The council requested that the City Administrator inquire into the possibility of a curfew for public places in. the City of Sanger® 7.7The council was advised by the City Administrator that they should consider a cost of living adjustment for `City Employees in the very near future, 18® A motion to adjourn was made by Cooper® seconded by klall® �.. � NIaYQr 11.TTEST