06/03/1974-CC-Minutes-RegularMinutes a June 3, 1.974 Members Present: Cornell, Mayor® Cooper, Mayor Pro®tem® McDaniel, Gentle, Hall. and Fnlow Others Presents Marr, Cole, Anthony, Yeatts 1r® The minutes of the council session. held May 20, 1974 were read and approved, 2® The disbursements were read a.nd approved on a rnoLion by Gentle seconded by Cooper, 3An amendment to th.e Master Plan contract was read and approved on a motion by McDaniel seconded by Halls �® A letter sent to the Teas Highway TJepts concerning drainage problems and state maintained right®of®ways in Sanger was read to the cou.nc i .l s 5s TJr,.Chapman was reappointed as City Health Offi.oer on a motion by Cooper seconded by Hall. 6s A. letter from the Atcheson, Topeka, and Santa. Fe R. R. refusing; the City°s offer to lease a tract of ground as a park was read to the council. 7s The oouncil approved the purchase o.f 1600 ft,sof �® �'® Croodri_c;h 600;�/ test deluge �'i.re I-Iose, NST atp�1 1_s79 per foot and a #172..5 221 Akron Turbojet Nozzel $184.00 for a total invoice of $3,048.00 on a motion by Cooper seconded by Gentl._e 8s The council approved of a change in council meeting dates from June 17, 1.974 to ,Tune 24, 1974, in order for the city administrator to attend the TCMA Convention meeting in Kerrville, June 15�18, 1.9749 gs The council declined to participate In the buildingof a fence between the old sewer treatment plant and property, owned by Mr® Joe Fa11.11s Wage 2 Minute s a The and the June 3s 19( continued0 council was briefed on discussions held by the C1�, M.r.. Jim Parr of the NCTCOG concerning a park for City of Sanger. Jwl. Mr. Bruce Anthony met with the council to seek approval of the plating of three lots in the Bucklew®Freese Ad® dition and approval was granted on the condi.ti_on that the Subdivision Regulations be followed and that Freese Drive beyond the 225' to be paved by Cooper and seconded by Nall. 12. A letter to the State Nea�..th IJepartment from the City Administrator concerning the landfill, was read to the council® Mayar ATTEST s