06/27/1974-CC-Minutes-Regular244 Minutes: June 27, Members 'resent 197� Cornell_, Mayor, Caoper, Nlayor®Hra®tem, McDaniel.., Gentle, Hall and Enlow Others 'resent® Marr, Cope l® The minutes of the council session held dune , 1974 were read and approved, 2® The council_ approved of the recommerldatians of the City A.dmi.nistrator concerning the more rigid enforcement of traffic regulations, 3The counca..l was read a letter :from the State Department of Health concerning the l..and�fill® 4 ® A l.etf;er from the Office of Reventae Sh.ari.ng wa;� read 9 Sm Capital_ l�mprovements made lay Sanger T�alAectric System i.n the amount of $2, 97.72 for the month of April., 1971+ were approved on a. motion by McDaniel seconded by Cooper® 6A letter to the Steering Committee of the Regional Transport at.ion. Fahey A.dv. sort' Committee and th.ei_r response was read to the council concerning transporat:i,on planning in rural area, 7® Tliscussion of the utilities portian of the Master 1'l.an was tabled again® 8, The council. granted tpna.-hve approval. for the installation of a sprinitl.er system and gac bo a.t the City 'ark® Mayor