07/01/1974-CC-Minutes-RegularMinutess July 19 1974 Members Presents Cor_riell, Mayor® Cooper, Mayor Pro®Tem, McDaniel., Gentle, Hall and Enlow Others Presents Marr, Krueger, Thornton, Calhoun, Yeatts, Carr® 1a The minutes ofi the meeting held June 27, 197� were read and approved® 2® The disbursements were read and approved except item 16 on a motion by Cooper seconded by Hall. 3® The council on a motion by I-Ia11_ seconded by MoDaniel approved the following recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously. To i;he C i_ty Count i1 of Sanger, Texas s Regarding the petition of Mrs® Ma.c C©J_e requesting that the por® Lion of the tract, described be.loV that is presently zoned Single�Family Residential_, be rezoned Local Detail in the amount of 2,857 acres; and the remaining 1.238 acres of said tract be rezoned Pfiulti®Fami.ly® The said tract i.s more generaJ..1,y decor%bed as fo11 ows s tA.11 that l.ot, tract, or parcel of land situated iI the .Il0 Tierwester Survey, Abstract 1241, City of Sanger, Denton County, Texas beingbalance of 6.952 acre tract owned by Mrs® MAC Cole, situated between Church Street and.A.ustin Street and lying I+ast of Highway 135®F, except for the western part of said tract extending 300 ft. easterly and at right angle to said Highway right®of®way, said balance be a..ng 4 .095 acres of land We, the members of the Planning and Zoning Commission of Sanger, Texas, do hereby approve said peti_ti_on and recommend that 'the City Council accept Mrs. Col_e's petition with the fo11_ow7.ng rondi.tionss 1, That a <�foot high masonry wall be extended from the street right�of®way on CIZurch Street to West Austin. St-reet, 2® That a maximum of twenty four (24) townhouse units be constructed in the area zoned Multi.�Family, Minutes July 1, 1.97� oonta_nued, Tha-1; the ;pro jest be c;o�nventionally �'1.na�nced; a.r�d �® �I?hat, prior to any issuance of �k>uilding :perma.ts for the re�aned tx•a.at;, -the development p]�a.ns be submitted to the City Council. :Far Final approval® Alvin Brown, Chr�.'�.rrr�an Mrs ® Jaak 1-Ial]_, Secreta�•y Members a Nlrs, Nea.lan Cook Bruce Anthony Tam►ny Chapman Gray She1.�L-on 11-, The cl�i.sctassian of the Camrnun.il;y Uta.lities ,parti.on ai the Master J'lan ws.s tabled again on a, mot:i.on by Cooper secanded by 1-Ial ]_ , �® Al]_ employees e►nployed c;or�.t:Lnuous.ly by the City of Sanger for i,he p�.st sip months a���d not affected by 'the reoen�t minimum wage increase were granted a �'a.ve repex�cent incr. ease effeo�tive July l., 1.97� on a motion by :Hall_ seconded by Gentle, 6® `J'he oapi;al improvemer,.ts bill for Sanger Sauth Subdivis�_on �.n the amount of y`�'1_��, egg ®gig was appraved and the capitals improvemen�t;s bil.1. far iVIay, 1g74� for >7,1.33 A ].3 was ap-�>roved on a mot�i.on by Cooper decan.ded by Gentle yar A�.CTI�,ST t