07/15/1974-CC-Minutes-RegularM,ttutes: July 15, Members Present: Cornell,, Mayor; Cooper, Mayor. Promtemq Gentle, McDaniel_® Others: Marr, Cole 1® The minutes of the council were read and approved® sessi on held Jlz1.,y 1, 19�1r 2® The disburesments were �.:ead and approved on a motion by Hall seconded by Fnl_ow (unanimous), 3® The Community Utilities Portion of the Master Plan as prepared by Hunter and Association was presented to the council, and approved on a motion by McDaniel seconded by Cooper (unanimous)® counci_1 was informed of a T.MeZ. Region H meeting to be helnd July 249 1971+9 council approved of the appl.cai,ion to Farmers Nome Administration for water and sewer improvements as recommended in the Master Plan® 6a The council. instructed the oity administrator to begin 1oolci116 for land fo"r^ a future water storage site Mayor