08/05/1974-CC-Minutes-RegularaR Mnutesa .August 5, 1971+ Members Presents Cornell_, Mayor; Coor)pr, Mayor Pro- tejp; McDaniel, Hall, Gentle, En1ow Others Presents Marr, K.rue{;er, Yea.tts, Hughes 1.® The reading of the minutes of the session held 47u1y 1.5, 19740 were delayed until the August 1.90 1974 council_ session 2 ® The di.sbursernents were read and approved on a motion. by Cooper seconded by Gentle (unani_mous)® 3® A letter From the Texas. water Qua1...ty board concerning® sewer grants and lack of available funding; for the Sanger Project was presented to the council® �a The final, bills from Hunter and Associates for the "No,rth Side Sewer Line,, In the amount of $71.2 ®63 and $399. 27 were presented to the col) c .l_ r:,.nd paid on a motion by Hall and seconded by Cooper (una.nmous) 5® The coundil reai'f%rmed i.ts o�'i'er to pay i'or 1;he street 1i.ghts 9 the Sanger South Addition _i the developers would sign an agreement stating that gas would not be introduced into the subdivici.on® 6® The council was informed that there i_s some dispute over the property line at the old sewer treatment plant on the South. boundary until our surveyor Mr. ® Dewey ri_el.ds could be consulted® 7, The counr_.i_;� decided that it is unwise for anyoneother than sworn police officers to ride i.n patrol cars a,nd that no one other than a sworn officer should be armed and riding i_n a. police car except in. emergency situations® 8® Mr. Gene Hughes apperard before the council to .request a building permitfor a house 111-egall_,y moved into the City of Sanger and located at 105 F. Locust Street, The council after discussion tabled the matter unti_1. the August 199 19?4 session of the council. and instructed the City Secretary to consult with *the City A.ttorne,y and recommend action. at the A:u.gusrt; 19, 1974 session of the council_ on a motion: by Fnlow seconded by Hall. (unani-mous), ATT�STa E Mayor