09/09/1974-CC-Minutes-RegularMinutes. September 99 1974 Members 'resents Cornell, Mayorq Cooper, Mayor Pro®temg Gentle, McDaniel, Enlow, Hall Others Presents Marr, Cole, Goodger, Carr 1. The m1nutes of the council session held August 19, 1974 were reed and approved® 2® The disbursements were read and approved on a. motion, by McDaniel, seconded by Cooper (unanimous), 3® Three items From Sanger Electri.c3 1. Capital improvements ie., the installation of street lights in the Sanger South Subdi.vi.sion,, in the amount of $991 0 40 6 2. Capital improvements for the month of July in the amount of '4, 93 5..59 3. The relocation of a transformer banl� and two poles at the Hillcrest West Church of Christ for an estimated cost of $279.63. were approved on a motion by McDa,nipel_, seconded by Cooper ( unanimous), �. Mr. Bryan Goodger of Central Telephone met. with -the council_ concerning a. Telephone rate i.ncreade. The council on a un� animous vote with a motion by Cooper seconded by Gentle ap� proved the attached ordinance, 5. The contract for Phase TIT of the MASTER PLAN was signed by Mayor Cornell. 6. The discussion of the 1974®75 Budget and the Community Development A.ct of 1.9rj4 were tabled un-ti 1 the September 7.6, 1974 meeting of the council. 7. The council _passed the two attached resolutions, Mayor ATTEST_ �