08/19/1974-CC-Minutes-RegularMinute s s August 19, 1971+ Pembers 'resent: Cornell, , McDaniel, Mayor; Cooper, Mayor Fro-uem; Gentle, Enlow, Hall Otherss Marr, Cole, Sullivan l,. The minutes of the council. session held July ls, 197� were read and approved. 2® The minu.tes of the council session held August 5, 1_97 were read and approved® 3 ® Final. payment -to Farcluha.r and Company in the arizount of $28,212.41 for water system improvements was approved on a motion by McDaniel seconded by Gentle (unanimous), ®n a motion by Cooper seconded by Hall the council. instructed the City Administrator to issue a bullding permit to Mr. Gene ilughes for a house located on Locust Street, Fora Cooper, Halleg NcDan el. Against: Norte Abstaining® Gentle, En.l_ow s. The council on a motion by Cooper Seconded by Hall. approved the Sanger Electric System Capital Improvements invoice for June, 1974 in the amount of $4, 057.42. 6. The council on a motion. by Gentle seconded by kTall approved of the enlargement of the el.ectra,ca7_ service to serve the Care Inn of Sanger in the estimated amount oaf $7,05,20. Unanimous. 8. The council was adva.esed that: Mrs. Delores Watts resigned her post with the City of Sanger, The council. instructed the City Secretary to seek a replacement for her. ATTEST