09/18/1974-CC-Minutes-RegulardInutes s September 18, 1.97,+ Special. Meeting Members ?resents Cornell., Mayors Cooper, Mayor Pro®tem; Gentle, McDaniel_, Fnlow and hall, Qthers Presents Marr® i l.® The council discussed the proposed operating and co.pital budget for the £.'rscal, year which began `Septemberl, 1974, Among those things tentatively decided by a consensus of the council were: 1® 'Cost of l.iva_ng adjustment off' ,5% sh.oizl_d not be. budgeted this Fiscal year, �® There shs,l_1 be no tax 7.ncr•ease or user fee increase budgeted this fiscal ,year® 3 m A wait and see attitude sh.oul,d be observed conrerna_ng cap expenditures® Minutes as read s Mayor