12/21/1974-CC-Minutes-RegularNE PQin:utesa October 21, 1974 embers Present(a Mayor Fro- tem, Cooper® Hall., Fnlow Gentle, Others Fresent a Starr, Cole, Tl;a.sley, Colter 1. The minutes of the council.. session held October 7, 1974 were read and approved. 2. Re presentati,ves of Sanger South. Subdi vi-sinn, Pltr. Harold Easley and Mr. John Coker, met with the cuunc.11 to discuss the subd iv'Lsi nn. The counc i.l agreed 'that .t was okay for the City Adminstrator to issue building permits on. lots 45 th:rough 52 Block 3. 3. 'Phe council approved tlie final.payment of t#�.�,��67.�0 to _. Hunter and Associates for engineering on water system improvements, on a. motion by Gentle seconded by Hall. �. Sanger f�l.ectric System capital �_m�rovernents for the month oaf_ August, 1974 in the amount of %. , 947.43 were approved on a. motion. by Halal, seconded by .Enlow, 5. Thy Cit;f I�dm..nistra for reported to the rounc l_ roncernin.g a Traffic Eng_neering Short School attended by the City Adm:i.nistrator in Mesquite, October, 8®10, 1974, 6. The counr,.;i.l was d,dv.ised of a. letter sent by the City Ad® mIni_stratox to P,2r. 13ob Wegner o:fthe NCTCOG concerning -the Denton. County Rural Water and Wastewater Flan, 7. T.h.e r,oi,�nci.l. wa.s advised of upr.,oming meetings arld events important to the City of Sanger, 1. Samll CIt.i..es Associ.at:i.on®Frisco, Texas October 22, 197�. 2 ® NCTCO(`x General, A ssemble,y and Community lievel_oprnent Workshop, Oct. 249 1974. 3. Texas Munic:iapal league Annual_ Meot _ng In Ft. Worth, October 27®29, 1974. 10. The council_ was advised of a. letter from C. Jordan, Regional T'l.ann.er for Solid Waste, NC'1'COG, ATT�'S'I's r i i