10/07/1974-CC-Minutes-Regularl�ninutes ® October 7, 1974 Members Rresentd Cornell, Mayor, Cooper, Mayor Pro®tem,& Gentle McDaniel, Enlow and Hall. Others 'resents Marr, Cole, Yea.tts I. 14 The minutes of the council session held September .1.6, 1974- were read and approved. 2. The minutes of the council session held September 18, 1974- were read and approved with the following changes® Number 1 was changed from "Cost of living adjustments of/ are not justified at this time and no raises should be budgeted for this fiscal. year," to"Cost of living adjustments of 5% should not be budgeted for this fisc F year. Number 3 was changed from "The capital_ expendi Lures as out® lined in the budget are excessice and that a wait and see attitude should be observe concerning capital expenditures," to YA. wait and see attitude should be observe concerning capital expenditures." 3® resolution Authorizing the North Central Texaz Council of tovernments To purchase LaW Enforcement Radio Communicatioms Equipment, phase 11 in behalf of City of Sanger was passed unanimously on a. motion by Gentle seconded by Enlow® �® Capi.tal i.rnprovements of �3,652®07 for the installation of 3®64 IWA I 60HZ 24.00/4.160 Y Reactors were approved on a motion by Gentle seconded by Hall and approved unanimously. 5® The council..advised of a. Metter from the State Health Department detailing improvements that need to be made to the water system prior to the water system receiving a "state approved" rating, 6® The council was advised of preliminary correspondence con.ce.r_® ning landfill relocation., 7. The council on amoti_on by Hall seconded by Gentle approved expense incurred at the T.C.M.A. convention in the amount of $79.05 unanimously, 89 The council was advised of a letter from the Texas Highway Department® 9. The disbursements were approved unanimously on a motion by McDaniel seconded by Cooper. Mayor ATTESTS