11/04/1974-CC-Minutes-RegularMinutes m November,+, Ili( P Members :I?r.esent° Mayor Ken Cornell, Mayor .Promtem Cooper, McDaniel, Gentle v Hall, Enlow Oth.e.r.s Presents Col.e9 Cars_9 Yea.tts 1® The, minutes of the couneil session. held October, 21, 19741- were read and approved. 2® '.The disbursements were read and approved on a motion by Hall seconded by Cooper. Unanimous, L 3 � let,ter .f: rom th.e Denton County i_3i.gmCentenni a.l_ Committee was read to the council® The mayor was to appoint a oomm:i�ttee and report back to the council® �-� ® Sanger Eleci;rio System capital_ i rrrprovements s (1) First Baptl_ st Church.... ®n m ® ; 11, 221- ® 70 (2) Se otiembermm��ee��a��ee��9ea��a®. IvO31064 Total 5'9253 ®3l% were approved ort a motion by McJJan.iel_ seconded by T-Ia.11 iJna.ni.mous$ 5 The c ounc i.l. was presented with. a. report on. the 'Texas Muni,ci_pal Lueague Annual Conference .n Fort WV1.1- a Re® gi.strat on and Fxpeteises 76oC0o 6® The counr,i_l. was .presented with. model.. 6Lrdnances recievc:d from the Denton City®County TCea.1_th. Department concerni, ?g Septic. Tanks and Food Service Establishments, 7The council, was advised that l: .have written a letter. to the rI'exa.s Water Rights �otnmission concern.n.g st_ar:f'ace water rights at Take Aubrey, 8a The council. was presented with a revised budget for fiscal year 197475.