11/18/1974-CC-Minutes-RegularNo Minutes: November 10, 197411 Members Present a mayor Ken. Cornell,* Mayor Pro>mTem Cooper McT)an i.cl,, Gentle, Fnl.ow, Hall. Others :present a Cole9iia7 r , yea, i; l s l.® The minutes of the council session. held November 18, 1974 were read and approved 27'he cnunci,l_ was _reformed of a meeting o� the Collin®Denton Counties Small, Cities Associa.t.on to be held Tuesday, November 19, 1974, in CelAnaa 3„ T1�.e council di.scttssed a. 7.et;ter front -rhe `.Texas i�i.,ghwa,y Department concerning the improvement of F. Mm 455 and instructed the Ci_-ty Administrator to make further inquires concerning that portion of F. M@ 455 which would have to be relocated to remove the present detour In F. M, 455 between U. So 77 and Second Street, 4The catxn.ci.l. wa.s presented with a letter Pram Pos7 Segrest® General. Mar®, D. E. P,C , , concerning the soxt of n, atural gas® The c aunci.l requested that the City Adm.inAstrator. prepare a resolution concerning the seeming inequities i..n the .price of natural ga.s for presentation at the next council.. sess:i3Or) �, The counr.i 1 di srtxssed `t;h.e rr�l.c�cati.on of the di spatrh office to th.e N®Fa corner o:f f;he MC —A %e el_1_ ol.ds buil.di.ngd The matter was tabled until, the next regularly scheduled meeting, <® The council was presented with a letter from. the State Board a:f Tfeal_th am lnfarmed that Cher.e have been r.hanges ..n. r_egulati.ons which will affect our land®fi_ll. operation, 7� The budget was discussed and the council instructed the City AdmInistr.a.tor_ to prepare a budget which. di-d not i_nclu.de capltal. expendi_t.u.r.es, 8The council. i.nstruoted the city adm.n,stratcir, to ask Dep �Tay's i;o construct a cage so as f;o keep tra.r.h from bl_awa.ng® /�TTFS'P A Mayor