12/02/1974-CC-Minutes-RegularMinutes so Decernbe.r_ ! , 197,11 Members Presents, Ma.yor Ken. Cornell; Mayor PromTem Cooper Mc Daniel_, Gen.tl.e, Hall, Fn.1.ow Others Present ® Cole, Tie Anthony, Ma:r. r, Yeatts Member of Sanger i Volunteer Fire Department x l., The a).1n.ud.es of the courac]"I session held Nov® 1.8, 1974 were read and approved, 2The d,sbursemen.ts were read a.nd app.r_oved, 3 q The counci_1_ decided l;o a.11,ow T3ru.ce Anthony to open 7t.h Street from that part of the Northgate Addition which adjoins Teo Seba.sti.on.'s property to ,St.h Street with. twenty®one feet of street curb and guttered on the west side, �fT_he council." after d_sr,ussi.ng the cTttest�i_on of r_eJ,inqu.ish.ng control_ oaf First Street derided that no change in city policyshould be initiated prior to meeting with all property owners who have property or options to .purchase property which :front on the block of .First Street in. question® 5e The Counci_1 on a motion by Hall seconded by Gentle passed the following resolution unani moulsl_yp (copy attached) 6The budget was tabled pending the presentat on of the Sanger Fl.ectra cal, Sys hom's budget on. December To, 7® Th.e r,ounc 1. approved th.e payment of the I�76®00 rPgi_s`traton. fee fo.r. the 1._97� TMT, A.n.nua,l. Cora.ference for Mr® & N[rs, DA We Mar.r on a moti..on by MI PDa.n.i.e1. seconded by Cooper, unanimously, 8� Discussion of the night dispatcher was tabled until, the December 1.6, 1.97�� meei;i_ng of the council. 9The oounc-.1. was advised of the following meetings to be held i-gin Deoember, 197�� s le NOT( CG Leg slative Dinner December. 11, 1974 24 Small Cities A.ssociati_.on December 1.7, 1974 3 d Solid Waste Workshop NCTCOG December_ 1.2, 1974 Eire Ant Committee December 3, 1.974 1,00 A letter from the Texas Highway Department l 1, The council. was informed that wr are number 361. out of 400 on the T_WQB's sewer constr. uc tion grants pri.orty lists Ma.,yor. ATTEST: