12/16/1974-CC-Minutes-RegularNMI Mi.n.u.tes a December 1_o, 1974 �llembers Presents Mayor C'ornel_1, Mayor Pro�tem Cooper; McDa.niel_, Gentle, Hall, Enlow. Others Present v C;al_e, li therredge, Carr, Nfarr. 1. The minutes of the count i_1 se,=as ian hel_,d December ? ® 1974 were read and approved, �Mrm John Fthe�redge of r3FPC m.et w_i;ka the council to discuss tk14 budget for the Sanger E.Tectri,n. al. System for the f i.sr_,al ,year begi_nn tng Ja.nuc�.ry 1, 1.97 5m 3® The r.aunc.l, on. a rnati_on by Cxenul.e seconded by I-Ia11 appraved the payment of $2, 019 ®09 .:for October capital. improvements unan .mousTy. 4, Th.e council was presented with a. Letter from J. W. Ruckl.ew requesting an ordinance prohibi.ti.ng the parking of large trucks on residential streets and the council- instructed the city administrator to research this types of ordinance and prey sent tQ the council. 5. The council. discussed but tabled a. request by Mr. Gene Hughes, Corporation Court trudge, regcresi,ing a monthly salary of T)00.00 per month, 6. ThP audit f'or. thesca.l_yea..r. ending august 31.., 197� was p.r_e� seated to the coun.ci.l 7® The r,o��ncil.. discussed the poss-.bl.e acqui.si.tion of the Jc�hn.so.n. Plumbing F3u..lding and di_rected the mayor to negotiate with N[r. Johnson. 11TTF;ST a Mayar.