01/20/1975-CC-Minutes-Regularm Minutes s danuary 2.0, 1.975 Members 'resents Mayor, Cornol.l , Mayor Pr. o®tem Coop erg McDrani.el_, Gentle, Hall, a.nd FnTow Others 1'r. esen'r, s Mara, Carr, Swen;ke 1., The minutes of the court .], session held January 6, 197.5 were read and approved, , 'The proposed budr;e4t for the Saner T;lsctr. is }rs-tem for f.Tson.]. year 1..975 was di_scudded and tabled until, the February 3, 1975 meeting of tho cottnr.. _1., 3Th.e council, approved th.e pa.ymt of I;1.00,00 por month to the muni.c.1 pal court judge in1_%ou of the percentage of fi.nP method of compensation, N, The audit; for t.h.e City f Sanr r.r's f sr,a.l.. year end.n llix ttst 31, 1.974 was accepted by the council., 5, The r.ot,tnr. i_1_ agreed i;q furnish. mate.r.ima. .s not to exceed rn1,-000, 00 if the Sanger Ja.ycee ° s wi.l.l donate the labor to build aa7aebo in the city park, A. T'TI ,ST c .Mayor