02/03/1975-CC-Minutes-RegularMinIaTie ss February 3, 1975 i gembers Presents. Mayor Cornell, Mayor Pro tem Cooper; McDaniel_, Gen tTe, Ha.l_1, and Fnl owr® Oi,hers Present ® Ma.rr, Catr, Cole 1, The minutes of the council session. held January 20, 1975 were read and approved, 2, The proposed budget fo.r. the Sanger Electric System wra.s discussed, The council recommended that the budget be resubmitted' without a .5% rate hike 3 ® The coian.ci_l was i.n.formed of a.n. i.nr,rease .n the, city gate rate by Lone Star Gas Co, , Th.e c:oun,r.ile wa.s presented wl h a, list of st,r_eets East of T 55 which at present are unpaved, 5® The council. was presented a copy of phase TTIr of th.e Master Plans 6, The council. discussed t;he fire depa.rtmeni, panel tru.cic which was damaged in a collision and suggested that more bids be taken. before a dOcision was reached in regards -to repairing or replacing the truck, 7, Tnsuran.ce pol_i_r, _es 1® Workmens Cornp, 2, Its, Rc C, Tji_ab%l.ity remises Med, Pay 19230,00 Tot .l.. 10 >3 a 95 ®O were approved to be paid on a. motion by Coopers seconded by IvlcDani el® 8, I'he council formally accepted the resignation of Dave Marr as City Secretary to be effective Feburuary 28, 1975 9The council expressed telntati.ve a.pprotyal. to help in the const.r_u,cLi_on. of a rnul_ti.®purpose outdoor. play area. on. Property owned by the school di.sli riot and instructed the city administrator to prepare cost estimates, The council agreed to study the need for salary adjustments for the c._ty employees, y _Mayor .m .TTr„ T a