04/07/1975-CC-Minutes-RegularAPRIL 7, 1975 CANVASS ELECTION HELD APRIL 5, 1975 DISBURSEMENTS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT SANGER ELECTRIC SYSTEM SMALL CITIES DISTRICT MEETING ON WATER LANDFILL CLOSING ON SUNDAYS BRUCE ANTHONY VARIANCE REITER PROPERTY THOROUGHFARES AND CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT DEEJAYS CONTAINER FOR TRASH Notion bar 1?n1ow seconded b [Ca.l l t.tna.na_trrous, rj, 13rttr,r--, Aothon;y rne-t hr .efT.,y with th.e r,nr)nr.i.1. to di,sr,tzss v )r i.anr,e of thc) Re_te:r. properTty which .he ha.s r:ontr<zc)-L -(;o nrarc;hase _f' 1 he varianr,c ran e 'ra.nteci, i'J[a,yor Pro %ern Cooper r;tag; ested that wc hatrc " ;d fV(oore 7..00k i n-i;o thr, ma. ttr.r r)nd ta.kca i -t t,rp at -the next reg;t l_ar mc'c ti.nrr, T1; was ,{rcc dā€ž 3ā€ž mhc 1^er,ommr)nda i i.ort From the PTarzni ng; & 7 orri.rzg, Commi.ss on to Ap- nro rca -t;he r.epar .f, eni-,i. t7.ed 'T'horot.tg,hfarc and Central. 13taoi.ness . ' r. tr,i r,t of the T'ha.sF TTT Comprehensive I?lsa.rr w .c r,epted on a. _ _. motion 1 r I Iir.Oat riel_ seconded h;Y I-Ta.11,, r,tna.oi_mous C;ouncl.woman l ic ?ani.el r.ec t.ze; -i;ed Lhat i,he Cit; r Sec: retar;r .rzfo.r.m Dee.Ta r's to build a, contai_z er for. -their-trrlrh Cot.t ari.l_m n Cooper. and 1-3 11 r c gtaerted thn ser,ret .ry t;o rl.dzr_se i,he dog; caa.tchor to i;'rr a.nd p i c lctzp more loose do{fr, Tt wa.s r g;reed, 1.0 Plleet.ng, <adjourned on moti_on by Gc ntl.ca ,,sr,r,on,ded lr) r I{ .1..1_ 1,in8.nl.mOUSq r; %, ; itr[a. fro z^