04/21/1975-CC-Minutes-RegularAPRIL 21, 1975 ED MOORE SWORN IN AS CITY ADMINISTRATOR HENRY COOPER WAS ELECTED MAYOR PRO TEM APRIL 7, 1975 APPROVED CHANGE ITEM 6 ELECTRIC SYSTEM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS SANGER ELECTRIC SYSTEM'S BUDGET RESOLUTION SANGER ELECTRIC SYSTEM 1975 OPERATING BUDGET ACCEPTED AND APPROVED FIVE PERCENT INCREASE IN BASE RATES l 1(.nutes Apr.1. ?l.g 1.975 F resent N Mayor Cornell_, Cooper, Hall, Rnl.ow, McDani.ol , Moore, Gentle, City Adm;n stratar l.New counr,i.l mergers Cooper, McDaniel,and Moore wore. sworn .nEd Moore was sworn. in as City Admi_ni.stra f;orT3 ,l1. Gentle was presented a. p1.a.clre in a.np.r.eri.a.-t,i-on. for h.s years off' service on the City Course l., , Tt was moved by T1A i1_o'w and seconded by Mr,Dan.ol. th-at henry (Doper be elected Mayor I?ro tome Cooper was e1_eeted by (9. unanimous vote, 3O The rni_nn; of April , 1.9 5 were read and approved with a change in item 6 to read "®oaand opened 211_ other days, " i_nstea.d of every other day, " JI T 1.ec i;ri_cSystem Capi i-,al Tmr)&rovements for J,h.e mop th of February, 1975q Tt was moved by Cooper and seconded by Hall that -f;hn b .1.I. be (-paid, i ,rfot _on carried 5 0, 5. Sar7a;er F1cr,i;r_r, System's T3udget I:'ar year. end, n ; Dec, 3.1., 1.9'75 a Sanger Electrl_c presented a budget w _t'cr a 5'j() base increase rate inc l_uAed© There was cons.i.derable cll.scussi.on of the effect'of fool. ad justment cha.re;es, Mayor Cornell saw no a.l_te7^na t_ve to r. as_s ,;gig the rates .5/ s Tt was moved by Ilal l and seconded by Cooper that the budget be accepted as presented wi-th the 510 BOND FUNDING FOR FUTURE ELECTRIC SYSTEM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS BRUCE ANTHONY VAIRNACE MARSHALL STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY JB HAISLER REQUESTED WATER SYSTEM LIN TO HOME CHANGING THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING TIME 7:00 AND 7:30 PM 1.,.r.e s01 d, f 9 1 i e -I. t . \" i) t I. y _) A. t . l.. t . t. k t A ! (, A • ! -- . ) J. Ct V Ci .r" _t, f A .'. - e > i 1 Y' e Ci e I l a..C;1 o `) C?;;r P,ra. t;hort,Sr on ;to; ,i_bi 1 .-c / o_ c.l_c ;=;i r t4; o:r.' 1>uy i nor; ls:i a: ';,h t.1. f >`1; caFa . 1.<t'h`, .O- .W;l,tir, iJ. t; drfllY")1, GY"d f;O:Y' d I ('.11 <Cf:'d ilO,-1;"r} )1_ .1_-t:i7 O.I. ctt,(i f,r,l ti rn i n i,he i,r'E?e1; o^r sc1.l ira ; r„i_ rrt o:t,P- wa;y by ba..d, C.1;Sr f dm,rt.t , -I_,r'<r f,or„ wa; d,.rer I;r;cl -to f.a-td or;tr_' _l.e a1.S mty o:F c•7 0> t.n ; dfad.r, a.ted s t,r( ra-% , Ni<a t, t,c;Y, t;aY.tl.ed tzn f:a 1 ne -t; mec;_ i.n{;; 8e O t:her' rna t; l,e:c,cs_