05/19/1975-CC-Minutes-RegularMAY 19, 1975 PUBLIC HEARING ANNE KYLE TO REZONE LOT 3A, BLOCK 77 ORIGINAL TOWN FROM SINGER FAMILY TO LOCAL BUSINESS AND LOT 4A, BLOCK 77, FROM SINGLE FAMIL TO TWO FAMILY PUBLIC HEARING FRED SIMMONS TO REZONE BACK ONE-HALF LOT 2, BLOCK 2, WB SHIRLEY ADDITION FROM SINGLE FAMILY TO LOCAL BUSINESS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS SANGER ELECTRIC SYSTEM PROPOSED 1975 STREE IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM ONE HOUR PARKING ON BOLIVAR STREET REVENUE SHARING FUNDS FOR FISCAL YEAR 75-76 PRO RATA CHARGES rj, Rc vent,te rharinr .rt.tnd For FY 75 76s 1 (, way, moored btr Cooper ,nd seconded b ,r i!}r,f an-i el. f;o dr.>_i,,frnrl. i;c, the funds ror_' env.ronmE nt tl pro (,ecti.on, .to wi.t r . :new arba{ ;e i,rtac1t , Motion car;red 0, £ 1?ro R<-t-i;a ch r'r>;esa i he Nl t, ror.' ;-(,a.1 ed -te Lhott{ ,h1; -i;he i.nt;en`f, of -Lhe or'd i nanr.r. was t;ha-f; l o-(;, wkt_ch f't<:td wa.-rer nd srwer ex `f;C)ndin?' <1CY'O ; i -(;kte-.'. :f)^f)Yl`i;Fir, f-' t31rC`. )CT;r NIE',rc' f.?X(-`.r(lp`k; I•:1"nrn prO r 7 i(1 c,harmesA Af-i;e:r d_sct sion r.oncr rrt i.n r; 1;kte rner f,s and demcr:. i;s o F' SIC' h C ktarir(' 1 "f; Ncl,` dC',C', 7_C F?d `(io 1. E e1 ,rC' hP, C)r( :1.nC1, C r, ).,`r 7 a . c A MUNICIPAL warehouse funds The Mayor stated the _I .r,e Dept, heeds mare space and f;h.e 7 os ,i h_l _ i;,y exists to ttse the pre dent f l.re station for a rnu.n..c J_j;)al war. ehon.se and ht, l l.d a. rtew ta.tbn wi.t.h the hand fundsa The City /tdmi-n_strat;or wa.s di_r.ccted to resea.rr,h cost of a, new st.a.t _on. with. Counc _l.ma.n Moore NEXT FISCAL YEAR Capital, Improvernents a Ttie Ci. ry t.dmi ni_strator. d.isct,tssed t.hn need for a Cou.nr,i_l. deci_s _on on needed capi_-t;al. l.mprovements dttr .n th.e next, fi_seal. )ear stash a.s serer 1ng the nevi hi {;h school, wi I,h water and sewer, rnpl emend. Q; (`![a.s t;er n, recommenda. t'lons, and el_ectr ,cal. system .m?: rovemertts, :It was decided to meet with the School_ Board eon(;ernI nthe hi, school, awl with Bob Shawn on. the MASTER PLAN, reeoromend;itions, FIRE DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT TRUCK PARKING ORDINANCE TRASH AT THE CEMETERY aA l i.re eptegtr.i.pmen-t;a City adminsh;rator at i;hori7:ed to purc('tase htrd7;eted fire depl;A ar,r,essary equJ,pmPrt hA Trucl I?arkin , Ordi_na.nced Concern-_nP; the pa.r.ki,n ; of a _,13u-ew A ddi-1t1a^re tracic o erni.ht c vaa.s decided to let i' lr. Puol lew ha.ndl_e It;he problem throuF h. h,s deed res-t;r r,t,ons r, The C. t y Adm ni stra.tor was di rectecl to .have trash picked up at the cemel,ery once a. month, d 9 Th.e second meetin n eTt n.e w0-1_l. he reschedr_tl.ed to a l a.ter• date due to a con:f l..ct wa.th the annual, r Ay Ma.nan,ers con® ltteetinc; ad,'ourn.ed at 9;24 .POP11, IVia.vor