06-02-75-Resolution-Applying for Water Rights in the proposed Aubrey Lake-06/02/1975iUli.nc.ltesa June 29 1197.5 C'resents Mayor Corncl.l.g Coupe r, Moore, Tnlow, l a.11., Mengnie1., City Adml ni stra.tor 114 The mof -i;he r. rp.;ul<q.r moat ..np� of May 1.91-97.5 a.n.d th.e special_ mceiin,; of PJiatr 23 1975 we.r.e -read and approved 2, DA_sbMi. semen P;s s T 1, wa.s moved bar Cooper and seconded by lial l th i, di sbu.rsements i.n the amount of 1I11.2,)-!-86, 29 be approved, MOtl,on carr.i.ed 5 0, 3, Capi_t,a1 Tmprovement;s for Sa.n�fer 1�,1_er,tri_r. Systems After a pre® sentat on by T,i_ndon Carr it was moved by Moore and ser,onded by Cooper that Apr.i1, capital- improvements I th.e amount of 41>916,43 be approved, lWot .on r,arri ed 5.0. L�, Retri.ew T{'Y 75®�< rap 1;a1_ i mprovr-,ment;s ° TJc,�e t;o the absc�nre of Rob Shawn, `rhi_s item was ta.bl_ed for a f. utur. e meet n� , 5, Pesol_uti_on to a.ppl�r for wa.te.r r. ic�;hts the ntxr. pose of the proposed .r- esol,uti on seconded by Hall that the resol_uti on be 5�0= 1�ESOT,iJTTO�I A_ft;e.r the mayor expl.a.i.n.ed _t was moved by Fnl_ow and approved , Mot _on carried .ed W-lF,l1f;�S, t;he proposed Aubre�r Take, t;o be bu_1_-i, by the j1 , S , Corps of Fngi.neers, i.s des fined to pr. ovi.de flood control. a.nd a surface water supply; and Vl"IJl{'l;'F,AS, the r-f;_es of T)enton and l�al7as have been desi,�;� na Led ro�snonsr^s of the pro jer i; bi.�t have poi,, as }ret, r. er,ei ved formal water r, _ n;h.t,s to the 1-ake $ ari.d W )-ilT,i;FAS$ the C;i.t;;y of Sarrjy;er forsees a. fta.ttzre need for waJcer ri_,�;hts i n A i_�bre�J Take r IOU] 9 TFIf�,_F?Fl{'OR��;, 131�, TT PFSOT�VFT) BY T?-iF CT�C'Y COUNCTT_� OFTTT�; C1-rf"C OF S11>11C�1?R, TFY,AS c That the C'i_`;y of San{�,et^ desi.res to ha.ve the-Coll_.n�Denton Counties Wager and Sa.ni_t,a.-li_on ili_s�ri.r (; appltr, on i ts behalf, For water r-i ON) ht s i n the nroposed Aubrey Take„ 1 ASSERD AN1) n?'C'„clljl',n bjr the City Cot.anr..1_ of -the Ci.t;}r of 5anper, , mexas this 2nd day of �7izr�e, 1.9'75 NE h, Ve.h .cle b d.s4 After pr%o,nnta-ti_on by thc� CityAmminist,rator t ti�na.s moved btir P/IcDaniel rind. seconded bar Cooper that the bids be awarded as fo1 Lows4 pol i_ce wdl a. ele rld tra.de�in to �rmrrnr ivlot,or Company _n. wthe � rnoun, t; of 1�1'r1 , > 2Twn on irucab and ch.assi.s 1;o Il 1^7, Eord cal.es in the amount of <>5,371 , 51.9 rowel veoot fl a.1 bed and hRrdrat.�1 is 1_i.f t ,o F l.eet {,'q lzi p merit Cort�ora t_on of l-P ort inlor f h n the amount of j 1. ®h 5 a 00, +Doti orl carried 5�0© a e C t;y Admi.ni stra.tor author. i.�,r�d to sell old w nch.-tru.c?t to hl r}rcc t r7.ddere ba The rz��x-t: City coianci l mcc�t n.�; wi 11 be held a�; �chadtzl_ed on June 1.61 1_97 , P�feE�-t.n� adjourned. a.l.; �a32. P,PlI, A mTF'S`I' a _ Mavor