06/16/1975-CC-Minutes-RegularJUNE 16, 1975 DISBURSEMENTS SALE OF CITY WINCH TRUCK LEASE OR RENTAL AGREEMENT FOR LANDFILL BULLDOZER WATER AND SEWER SERVICE TO NEW HIGH SCHOOL SITE GENE HUGHES - HOUSTON AND DIANE STREETS REBUILDING OF DOG PENS FIRE DEPARTMENT DRAWING NEW BUILDING lfernbers 1.'re, e:n i,„ Mayor Cornell, Cooper° Flrll_ow, 1lall.° I pDrgni.el ° T, Prloore r1.1?sen-i, Fri PAoore, City Aum n _stra.Ior Others Preseni; e S Fover9 Cole, Cfa.ry i-1t1F;hes 1 „ The mi_'nutes oaf the repul_ar meet,i,n,u of June 2° 1975 were read a.nd approved, 2d D:isbursemenr,su Ti:, wa.s moved by Jack 1-tal_1_ anal seconded by Cooper that di.Sbursements In the amount of (0165 .81_ be approved, AMoti_on ca-rri.ed 5m0, 'i, Sa.l_e of City iNnrh Tr.urk Ti, was a.gr.eed bar thr Cotznr,i.l. that Sam Jones of Sanger Texas be al Towed to purchase the C .'i;y VJ nrh. truck foxI 1>300, 00 and 011 was further agreed that -1,hi_s su,m be paid .n - 'ul.l. within. a thr, ee month pr ri_od , Zrm Lease or rental a, ,reemen.-t, .for land-Pi.l1 bull_clo ,er.•a 'T'he council.. decided to nostpone a. derision un-IJ . they could sheds further about actual_ usage, 5 ® The ma; ror dui srtlssed F3ob Shawn ° s report concern i nQ; pr. o 7i_s_on opt' water and sewer servir,e to the new h.i-P;h school site, He stated that we al_r. eady have rerta.in. money deli n;na.-t;ed but it w1_1.1. be necessary to see what addi.ti onal money i.s needed and how much fi.na nri,al.r.espo_ns.bi l _tAr i.s i.nvol.ved for this project, <, Other mat-t;ers a a, (,ene IJ ta ;hes discussed the prob l ern h.e has been ha.v.nP on itoustor7. a.nd D .a.ne Streetsn and regtl.ested help from i;he C _tfy Council., He stated he would Install two (2) concrete drains, four (,f;) food; i.n wa.dth on Houston Sol- , ee-i, and f ill _.n. 1-hp holes on bo-t;h s-t.reets, Tt, was the ener.al opinion of the council that, the City would shoot the streets and bi_1.1 Hughes for, Two Thirds (2/31s) of the cos, ba A.n inforrnal_ estimate was presented to the r,ot,znr_1_ retmar•di.nf the rebt.ti.l_d n ; o:F the dop, pens, T1 ; was tabled for further study, r, 4 Tt was mentioned by l;h.e 1lla.P, or• that I ire Dept, ha.s a dr.awi.np; of what they want ..n the wa.y of a. new buildi.n ;U T11 Fht di.s0uss1 on® No action. taken. Nieet-i.nff; ad 7ourn ed R;k!-0 1? P/I9 r1 T TT{, S T A 1 ,f