07/07/1975-CC-Minutes-RegularJULY 7, 1975 POSSIBLE FY 75-76 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS WATER AND SEWER PRELIMINARY FY 75-79 BUDGET PROPOSED ORDINANCE PROHIBITING CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ON PUBLIC PROPERTY .)tcs o f i;l).e r F: ;ta 1.a.:r rnep L .na tjune 1 h 1 9 wer. e rc r.cl an.d approved, i) sn. b),trsnm0ts a T f, was moved by Cooper -). (I rtecon-ded by iV(0 ar) _cal. Lhat d .c)btarserile nfs :in t;he a.tTtount of "7,7 8,'72 be approved, Mot'l or) carr:i_ed 5w409 i, C,nPi tat. Tmprovemen. t s for Sanger Rl.ectri.c SystemN fter_ a. br .ef nrcmnt,ati c on by T`Jndon. Carr i,i, wa moved b;r McDa.ni.el anal seconded b r N )1.1_ 1 h +i, IV?atj r,a.pi i; al_ i n.proverncn i,s ir) the amount of `i>1001_, 74 br, apr)trioved, Mo ,Jon ca:rri.ed 09 I,e 'ossi.l lc lad 75-76 capii;al. i_mnrovemenl,5a Tioh havdn n)ade a. pre sr.r) La i; i-on on possi bl.e water and sower _mprovemen f;s for nex t _sr,;)1 yc ax , A.f t;er a. Tenn:hty d'i_cwu ,,;ion or) vvar.i_ous a.l -t;erna i,ives for serving t, )e new hi 9:h school-, the i tprn wa) t;-.bl ecl for. fur.-i,rter . . citudy into fina.nein r iJ)e ),rnp: rrlovWIlPn-t;: d7_sr..t,)s;)ed, Pre1 rni_nar r rY 75 76 l?tadPe i; s after a. I:)ri_cf presen La.ti,ion by -i;he C; i t r _ dmi ni c l,r.<)tor , .t wn.s d e o ide,d to hold. a bt.)d e t s1;).)d,y yes; :i-on I!rondmr, July V-i,, 1975 a t; t 00 I', I'll„ for c1pta i_1cd. budfi-j:e-1, and ca p i. 1,a1 _rnprovemen-. :nevW, dmri n i.s f,rntcor c onc, P rin 1- npi he pr. onoseci ord i na.nco Kroh _bl.t ,Tito con- sumnt,ion of al_eohol_ c beverapleis, on nubl 1 o property and cstab 1_l.sh lr) a. C'l)rfew 1.it) r,l.`t;y r) )r?i , 1, G C)IOVC d byii'nTow a.nd secon(Icd by McT)E).r)ie.1, to apor•ovc the ordinance, I"io-i;:ion e,ar.'ri_eci 0, IUIpe%i n, ; a.d. jot.)rr)ed a.-t; a) 00 p, Pll , t l1r) yo:r