08/04/1975-CC-Minutes-RegularMinutes August 4, 1975 Present® Mayor Cornell, Cooper, Enlow, Hall, McDaniel, Moore City Administrator 1• The minutes of the regular meeting of July 21, 1975 were read and approved® 2 PUBLIC HEARING ON FY 1975-76 BUDGETthere was anyone present who wished to speak a about the proposed budget. There being none, the public hearing was • -• TAX LEVY ordinance were read by the Mayor, it was moved by McDaniel and seconded by Hall that the tax levy ordinance be approved. Motion carried 0, APPROPRIATION the ordinance were read by the Mayor, it was moved by McDaniel and seconded by Hall that the appropriation ordinance be ap proved. Motion carried 5 0, 5 Disbursements It was moved by Hall and seconded by Enl.ow to pay disbursements in the amount of $13,416.62. Motion carried 5®0• 6 Sanger Electric System Capital Improvements: Item tabled until next meeting CONTRIBUTION TO NTSU moved by Cooper and seconded by Hall to approve Sanger's participation contingent upon the City of Denton agreeing to participate. Motion carried 5-0. 3. Joint Meeting with School Board 0 The Mayor stated that water 'lable through a 611 line located west of I 35, service was aval He then summarized the two options for sewer service adding that the cost of the w'rap around was too much for the City to bear at this time, Electrical service and the possibility of the City purchasing some of the excess land were also discussed. The ^ • « • • ♦ • w • • furnish meetingthe City with their engineering cost figures when available and to meet again on the subject, ME Minutes® August 4, 1975 continued 9 Other matters: Several citizens approached the Council concerning their high electric bills this month and asked that the Council investigate the reasons® The Mayor agreed to do this and report back to the Council at a later date® a Mr Bill Powell came before the Council with a complaint .against the Police Department The Mayor stated he would look into the matter, b The Volunteer Fire Department presented a proposed layout for a new fire station No action was taken® ayor