08/18/1975-CC-Minutes-RegularMinutess August 18, 1975 Presents Mayor Cornell, Cooper, Mall, Enlow, McDaniel., Moore, City Administrator 1. The minutes of the regular meeting of August 4, 1975 were read and approved. 2. Sanger Electric System Capital Improvements After several questions from the Council to Lindon Carr, it was moved by Cooper and seconded by Hall that June Capital Improvements in the amount of $2,164.18 be approved. Motion carried 5®0® presentation made a citing movedvariance, It was . o_.rer by e• VARIANCE JACK ARMSTRONG PRESENTATION a variance of 400 square feet on ON LOT SIZE AND VARIANCE 10 FEET ON FRONT YEAR setback ALONG WOOD STREET BE GRANTED FOR LOT 2, BLOCK 8 OF THE HAMPTON ADDITION d variance. ranted tion by the Mayor and CityAdministrator LONE STAR GAS RATE INCREASE REQUEST UNISSUED BOND FUNDS - WRAP-AROUND SEWER LINE INTO PHASES AND SELL REMAINING SEWER BONDS TO FINANCE PHASE I FROM SEWER TREATMENT PLANT TO SANGER SOUTH BRAZOS ELECTRIC BILLS Mayorof the rate request, the suggested the matter be table for further study. It was moved by Cooper and seconded by Hall ' that the item be . •meeting. carried various into istrator made a proposal to break the wrap around sewer line, •!1 in remaining sewer bonds to finance • sewer treatment plant to Sanger South. The Council felt they need more time a study the proposal, meeting,The Mayor stated a decision must be made by next ember Brazos w. d. I -. , ..1E - •.. he could uncover ._ questing an investigation, The Mayor signed with certain quested the Mayor sign a petition to the Attorney General re aboutjections Brazos• on BRUCE ANTHONY REQUESTING CLARIFICATION STREET CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS FRONTING LAND OFF W AUSTIN STREET INCREASE MATCHING SHARE PHASE II OF LAW ENFORCEMENT COMMUNICATION PROGRAM 0 imm Ntin'utes m August i8 • 1975 8® Other matters: ATrI'ES'T' from = Council concerningconstruction • •: off W. Austin St. MayorThe _- _t approval for constructionof halfamostreet was not granted and suggested Mr. Anthony contact_ adjacent Church concerning the possibility • rcooperatively.. full street, CouncilThe City •• • matching share for Phase II of the law enforcement common munica ions program from $2,072,04to 1