09/02/1975-CC-Minutes-RegularSEPTEMBER 2, 1975 Present: Mayor Cornell, Hall, Enlow, Moore, McDaniel, City Administrator, Cooper l• The minutes of the regular meeting of August 189 1975 were read and approved. LONE STAR GAS RATE REQUEST INCREASE FY 75-76 BOND FINANCING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS SCHOOL DISTRICT'S ENGINEER SEWER SERVICE TO NEW HIGH SCHOOL FISCAL YEAR 1974-1975 AUDIT TRAFFIC SIGN PROGRAM - REPLACE 159 TRAFFIC SIGNS CONSTRUCTION ON ELECTRICAL LINE - DIANE DRIVE TirsizmenGsil IT Ras movea by uooper ana seconaelt disbursements that September 99 . 0 be approved. 11110 severalLone Star Gas office appeared before the Council to explain the reasons the rate increase is needed. After questions Council.from the e gas cost adjustment clause, it movedwas by Enlow and referred to the City Attorney Motion1.. marized the recommendations of - o. District's Englillilip neer concerning sewer service to _ School _swto offer0 110 toward t:. construction of whatever sewer line they deemed best. presented a proposal to construct the western portion of the sewer wrap around to be tied,the Sanger tion. Mr. Dan Almon was present to d, lAcuss bond financing of Afterthe private market for the $100,000 in electric revenue bonds and the application process for selling the sewer revenue bonds to the State, lengthy discussion of required .-..15_ principal and interest payments for various bond packages, it was moved by Cooper and seconded by Moore that the City engineer be dillililip rected to proceed with preliminary engineering studies on the Mayor's proposal and to corillillordinate his report with the Texas Water Quality Board* MotiQn carried 51111111110le them up S national standards at a cost to t$950. It was moved by McDaniel and seconded by Hall that he City of about City Administrator be authorized to proceed Motion Construction of electricalIt was authorizedconded by Enlow that Sanger Electric be a- primary electrical approximate $2,861.16 Minu to s a September 4. l97 ) 8 ® Other Ma tWters a a Directors Funeral DIRECTORS Association notifying Y cessation of ambulance service by Coker Funeral Homes on •