10/06/1975-CC-Minutes-RegularMINUTES October 6, 1975 Present: Mayor Cornell, Cooper, Hall, Fnlow, Moore, City Administrator Abseta McDaniel 1. The minutes of the regular meeting of September 159 1-975 were read and appr °cued. 2. Disbursements: After several questions to the City Adminis tra.tor, it was moved by Cooper and seconded by Hall that October disbursements in the amount of 4112,601.86 be approved. Motion carried 40. 3. Sanger Electric System capital. improvements: Item tabled until next meeting® 4. FINAL PLAT The City Adma.ni trator and Mr. BRUCE Anthony presented the Council. copies of the final. plat and core® str°ucta, on plans. In addItion to the items shown on the plans, Mr. Anthony will be required to erect a permanent barricade at the end of FREESE Drive and a street name sign at the intersection of W. Austin and Freese Drive. After several questions to Mr. Anthony, it was moved by Cooper and seconded by Hall that the final, plat of LOTS 13-16, Block A of the BUCKLEW-FREESE Addition be accepted. Motion carried 40. 5. lolation nota.ce from TA.Ct3a ' 'he Cou.ncil was advised by the VIOLATION NOTICE FROM TACB Mayor that the City received a not7.ce of vlolation from the Texas Air Control Board for burning at the City landfill site. A. copy of the violation letter was provided all council members present. 6. Proposed sewer lines Copies of cost estimates of the pro posed portion of the sewer wrap aroa nd line were provided to the Council. The Mayor summarized the situation and asked the Council if they wonted to build the wrap®around. Ralph Cole offered the opinion that with the $20,000 offered by the School Board and the advantageous positioning of the high school.., the wrap®around was the only logical_ choice. After more discussion Jit was moved by Cooper and seconded by Fralow to proceed with the proposed portion of the sewer wr a•p around l ne. Motion carlr.led 40. After a. discussion of the f-Inan.clal.. aspects of the project, It was moved by Cooper and seconded by Hall to proceed with the application for a 5.5/o interest .loan from the Texas Water Quality Board for the rema' ning 16. , 000 in sewer revenue bonds and to self the remaa,nin 100,000 in electric revenue bonds and the re maining a;409000 in water revenue bonds all in one pa.ckage. Motion carried 4»0. 7 ® other matters a a ® The Mayorrocla.lmed the we of October 6 13® 1,975 aa IJnl.ted States ia.vy [^ ee C in cc lebz ;-al;-i.on o.r, t a ,r 2ootdh birthday. 90 iIfinutes I October 69 1975 Ccan ° t b The Mayor read Rnd requested passage of the following, resolution concerning ambulance service 'in Denton County It was moved by Moore and seconded by Hall to adopt the resolution.can, Motion carried 4amo, RESOLUTION DENTON COUNTY FUNERAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION FUNERAL HOME WILL CEASE PROVIDING AMBULANCE SERVICES AFTER DECEMBER 13, 1975 COKER FUNERAL HOME