12/01/1975-CC-Minutes-Regular Minutest City Council Meeting Dedember 1, 1975 City Administrator lo The minutes of -the regular meeting of November 170 1975 were read .`. • approved. 2. DISBURSEMENTS dntst After several questions to the City Administratorg it was moVed"by Hall and,.seconded by Cooper that disbursements Fiscal year 1974-75 Annual Audit After several,questions by the Mayor to the City Administratoro it was moved by McDaniel and seconded by -Cooper :..,.f report eo be approved, Motion carried ILI 4 Traffic Control Devices Ordinances The City Administrator advised the Council that the traffic sign replacement grant application 1: been f•.:• :d and as a partof the programo the • _•f•_• orawa dinance has to.be-ado'pted.' After giving a brief summary of the ordinance' provisions# it,was moved by Enlow and seconded by Hall to approved the ordinance, Motion carried 5%=0. ORDINANCE 1975-6 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING EXISTING TRAFFIC CONTROL DE- VICES THE INSTALLATION. OF NEW TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES® SIGNALS AND SIGNS', AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ERECT SUCH DEVICES® SIGNALS AND SIGNS AS MAY BE'PRO- VIDED FOR IN ANY SUBSEQUENT ORDINANCE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PRIMA FACIE.EVIDENCE RULE WITH RESPECT T06SUCH DEVICES, SIGNALS AND SIGNS AS MAY BE ACTUALLY INSTALLED. suggested that.the City offer one free residential'sewer at • for _ The Council generallyn this'would • c a good policy to follow for allIfuture easements, The Mayor directed the City AdministratorP delay contactingproperty owners sewer lines in state highway until more information is collected concerning placing Meeting adjourned at 8s01 p.m. ATTESTS